Waterlilly Pond (started when it was Mystery Quilt 1) parts 1-4 done, and part 5 in progress:

I also started Mermaid Treasure Box when the group was new...haven't gotten very far yet:

And, finally, I have Hawaiian Garden in progress (not nearly as "old" as the others I just posted!):

In terms of newer starts, I have Venice and Medieval Town in progress, but I haven't even finished part 1 of either of those. Here is my very paltry progress on those so far; there is so little completed on either project that it seems silly to have taken pictures already:

These projects, and Japanese Garden, round out all of my Chatelaine WIPs (including Taj and MMV that I posted previously). Hopefully I will get a new picture of Japanese Garden soon and continue to make some progress on the others eventually!
I love your Wips Jill!!
(Thank you for make me(and my wips!) feel not alone!!! LOL so many beautiful projects, so little time...)
Gorgeous pics, Jill! Man, you must have a tough time trying to decide which one to stitch. :D I don't think it's silly to take pics of early progress at all!! It's exciting for us to see and I hope it's exciting for you to share it with us. :)
I like very much your pics Jill : great stitchings :-))
What a great collection of wips!
Thanks for showing your collection, it is always good to know that other have a collection of WIP's! They look lovely. Happy stitching
I love Hawaiian. The colors are just stunning.
Oh, great pieces! I love all your WIP'S, Gill!
What a joy to look at your work. Lovely........oh so LOVELY.
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